Requirement for Customer Portal

VoiceMail Tool Functionalities:

  1. The tool will dial the selected number from list (using our dialer).
    2. If Potential Customer Answers:
    a. The call will hang up. And the tool will select next number.
    b. Or (enable / disable), Plays recording (VoiceMail) and when Recording is
    done, call hang up.
    3. If Potential Customer Does Not Answer:
    a. When the call reach voicemail the tool will play the recording selected.
    Once recording complete, call hang up and move to next number.
    b. If Potential Customer Does Not Have Voice Mail move to next number.

Pinger Tool:

The Pinger will call number and hangup/disconnect the call after ring a
specified time interval.

  1. There would be a web based URL to manage everything as below:
  1. After login you will get below option to perform action and manage the portal.
    Manage CallerID can be managed from upload excel/spread sheet having three
    column without any extra row and starting from number, callerid and wait time.
    Details are given in point # 6.We would be happy with the option of uploading the clis and call duration along with the number to be dialed in excel sheet to be uploaded on dialer.

3- User can upload the excel sheet for broadcasting in correct format as below

4- Admin can change his password as per below option

5- Admin can see the status of uploaded sheet. When all number dialed then status becomes processed. User can stop/start dialing any time apart from dialing start and stop time configured in config file.

6- Here is the correct format to upload the number. If customer has choosen to manage callerid from admin then 2nd row will not be present.

7- After processing the file below will be the format of download report.

Required from Client

1.SIP/Trunk Test a/c
2. Verification and ATP after Handover
3. Test pad
4. Details of the server credentials

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